Unmasking COVID’s Second Wave: ‘Deals’ in Masks, Gloves, Cleaning and other Solutions Present Contracting, Audit, Regulatory and Enforcement Risks
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Join Dickinson Wright for "Unmasking COVID’s Second Wave: ‘Deals’ in Masks, Gloves, Cleaning and other Solutions Present Contracting, Audit, Regulatory and Enforcement Risks" Webinar on Monday, November 30, 2020 at 11:30 a.m.
In this hour-long webinar, Jacob Frenkel (Member and Government Investigations and Securities Enforcement Practice Group Chair, Washington, DC), Peter Domas (Member, Ann Arbor), Billee Lightvoet Ward (Of Counsel, Grand Rapids), Seth Waxman (Member, Washington, DC), and Mark Redinger (Partner, Toronto) will shed light on the realities of PPE deals, challenges in transaction documentation and product verification, marketing, import restrictions and regulatory oversight, and related SEC and federal civil and criminal investigations.
Learn such essential points as:
- Agreements needed to do a deal, buying terms (i.e., FOB, CIF and protecting your money);
- Red flags to help distinguish an opportunity from a possible fraud;
- Recognizing FDA and other regulatory approvals, and understanding the power of the FDA's logo on product marketing materials;
- Whether major manufacturers are imposing product restrictions and the ease of using manufacturers' names in marketing;
- Overcoming customs challenges at ports of entry and deal and product verification SGS or otherwise;
- Selling - and buying into - investments in partnerships to create a pool of funds to expedite transactions and enhance profitability;
- How a US dollar sale in Europe of masks made in China and gloves manufactured in Vietnam can be prosecuted criminally in New York; and
- Actual civil and criminal investigations in the United States and elsewhere.
This webinar is complimentary, but registration is required. To learn more about this webinar or to register, please click here.
Can't attend at this date or time? Sign up anyway and we'll send you the recording!

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