退職給付金の年次申告(フォーム5500)提出期限にご留意ください。SECURE 法成立により制裁金の額が10倍に引き上げられました。| SECURE Act Provides a Tenfold Increase in Penalty for Late Filing of Retirement Plan Annual Report (Form 5500)
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2019 年 12 月に「 Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement Act(SECURE法)」が成立しました。この法律は、プランのスポンサーがフォーム5500(従業員福利厚生プラン年次申告/報告書)を適時に提出しなかった企業に対して、IRSが科すことができる制裁金の額を従来の10倍に引き上げるものです。これまでIRSは、フォーム5500提出の遅れに対して15,000ドルを上限に1日当たり25ドルの制裁金を科していました。しかしこのSECURE法は、2019年12月31日以降の申告について150,000ドルを上限に制裁金を1日当たり250ドルに引き上げました。
ERISA(Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974。従業員退職所得保証法)に準拠した退職プランについてフォーム5500を作成し毎年提出しなければなりません。但し企業の所有者個人のみを対象とするプランは除きます。ERISAで規定されるすべての福祉厚生プラン、つまり団体医療制度、生命保険制度、長期障害給付制度のようなプランは、例外規定に該当する場合を除きフォーム5500の提出が必要です。この例外規定とは、年度初めの時点で加入者が100人未満、さらに(1)賦課式、(2)完全生保型、(3)賦課式かつ完全生保型、のいずれかに該当する場合です。これらの条件を満たすプランについてはフォーム5500の提出が免除されます。年度初めの時点で101名以上の従業員を有し全従業員に団体定期生命保険を提供している企業はフォーム5500を提出する必要があります。
ディキンソン・ライト法律事務所の従業員複利厚生・役員報酬 プラン担当グループは、フォーム5500の提出およびDFVCPに基 づき遅延した届出を行うことに関して皆様からの質問にお答え しています。
The Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement Act (“SECURE Act”), adopted in December 2019, has increased the penalty that the IRS may impose on plan sponsors who do not timely file Form 5500 (Annual Return/Report of Employee Benefit Plan). Prior to the law change, the IRS could assess a civil penalty of $25 for each day that a Form 5500 was late, subject to a maximum penalty of $15,000. Effective for returns required to be filed after December 31, 2019, the SECURE Act increased the Form 5500 penalty to $250 per day, not to exceed $150,000 for a late-filed form.
In addition to the IRS penalty, the Department of Labor (“DOL”) may assess a civil penalty against a plan administrator in an amount not to exceed $1,100 per day for failure to timely file Form 5500.
What Plans Must File a Form 5500?
Qualified retirement plans subject to ERISA must annually file a Form 5500 unless the plan covers only owners of the company. Any welfare benefit plan covered by ERISA, such as a group medical plan, life insurance plan or long-term disability plan, is required to file a Form 5500 unless an exception applies. A welfare benefit plan that covered fewer than 100 participants as of the beginning of the plan year and is unfunded, fully insured, or a combination of insured and unfunded is exempt from filing Form 5500. A company with 101 employees as of the beginning of the plan year that provides group-term life insurance coverage to all of its employees is required to file Form 5500 for that plan year.
What is the Deadline for Filing a Form 5500?
The filing deadline for the Form 5500 is the last day of the seventh month following the plan’s year-end (July 31 for calendar-year plans). A company can apply for an automatic 2 ½ month extension of time to file the Form 5500 by filing a Form 5558 (extending the filing deadline to October 15 for calendar-year plans). The Form 5558 must be filed before the due date of the Form 5500.
What to do if You are Late Filing a Form 5500?
Both the IRS and the DOL may waive the late filing penalty if the company can demonstrate that there is reasonable cause for failure to file.
As an alternative, a company that uses the DOL’s Delinquent Filer Voluntary Compliance Program (“DFVCP”) pays a reduced penalty to the DOL for the late filing and no penalty to the IRS. The reduced penalty is $10 per day, not to exceed $750 for a single delinquent report for a small plan (generally less than 100 participants) or not to exceed $2,000 for a single delinquent report for a large plan. If multiple reports from multiple years are filed together using the DFVCP, the maximum penalty is $4,000 per plan.
The Dickinson Wright Employee Benefits and Executive Compensation Group can assist you with questions about filing Form 5500 or with making late filings under the DFVCP.
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