401(k)プランへのコロナウィルスの影響に対する雇用主の対応策 | Employer Actions for 401(K) Plans Sickened By Coronavirus
- Schreier, Jordan
- Blogs
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401(k)プランの雇用主スポンサー、及び全ての雇用主ベース の受託者委員会は、この影響に対応する為のステップを実施す るよう検討すべきと存じます。以下にその幾つかを示します。
- サービス・プロバイダーが継続して利用できるかの確認
プランのレコード・キーパー、管財人、投資マネージャー、投資アドバイザー、弁護士、及び会計士を含むサービス・プロバイダーと常に連絡を取り、このパンデミックの状況下でプランに対して、特に従業員に在宅勤務をさせる会社に対して、必要なサービスをどの様にして続けて提供する予定であるかを確認しましょう。レコード・キーパーのなかには電話での連絡の増加に対応するためスタッフを増強している、と雇用主に通知した所もあります。 - 教育と連絡
、及びどの様にプランのサービスと特色(例えば資産運用の見直し)を使うかを加入者がより良く理解するのを助ける為に、教育と連絡資料を用意しています。雇用主はこれらの資料を有効的に活用すべきでしょう。このプロセスの一環として、雇用主は、レコード・キーパーと投資アドバイザーとのサービス契約を確認して、契約上の全ての教育と連絡サービスを受けられているようにし、またプラン加入者の特別なニーズにカスタマイズされた連絡資料等の追加サービスが有る場合の追加料金を理解しておきましょう。 - 専門家の指導を求める様に加入者にアドバイス
、電子開示が許可されていない加入者の最新の郵送先住所がこのプランに記載されている事を確認する良いタイミングでもあります。 - プランの投資選択肢のモニタリング
ERISAに従い、受託者は、慎重な専門家が同様の状況下で行動するであろう行動をとらなければなりません。これにはこのプランにおける現在の投資選択肢を慎重にモニターする事が含まれます。過去数十年間における、よくある過大な費用や投資ファンドに関する受託者の責任( フィデューシャリー・デューティー)違反の訴訟は、受託者が期待以下の投資ファンドを入替えなかったというものです。市場の下降の度合いと期間にもよりますが、受託者が市場での損失が少ない他の投資ファンドに入れ替えるべきであったと主張する訴訟が発生する可能性はいたるところにあるように思われます。プランの投資アドバイザーとの中間報告電話、投資マネージャーとの電話、より慎重な市場分析等、更なる資産の適正評価(デュー・ディリジェンス)は、慎重な受託者としての注意義務を果たすために行うべきであり、そうすることにより将来的に訴訟が発生した場合にも役に立つでしょう。また、受託者はその意思決定を慎重に文書化しておくべきです。 - 安定価値ファンドを詳細分析
The realities of the Coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic have quickly and dramatically changed the way we work, shop, seek health care, and interact with each other. Unfortunately, the impact of the virus on the economy and investment markets has been just as severe. We have seen increased market volatility, the end of a long bull market, and significant reductions in employees’ 401(k) plan account values of the scope not seen since the great recession.
The employer sponsors of 401(k) plans and any employer-based fiduciary investment committees should consider taking steps now in response to these developments. These steps include:
- Confirm Continued Availability of Service Providers – Be in constant contact with the plan’s service providers including record keepers, trustees, investment managers, investment advisors, attorneys, and accountants and obtain confirmation on how each is planning to continue to provide required plan services during the pandemic, particularly for businesses that are requiring their employees to work remotely. Some record keepers have already notified employers that they have increased staffing to respond to higher telephone call volumes.
- Educate and Communicate – Record-keepers and investment advisors across the 401(k) industry have been producing educational and communication material designed to help participants understand the recent market downturn, market volatility, the historical benefits of long term investing, and how to use plan services and features (e.g., rebalancing). Employers should take advantage of these materials. As part of this process, employers should review their record keeper and investment adviser contracts to make sure they are receiving all contracted for educational and communication services, and understand the availability and cost of additional services such as communications customized to the employer’s specific plan participant needs.
- Advise Participants to Seek Professional Guidance – Summary plan descriptions and plan investment material often advise participants to consult with their personal tax and financial advisers before selecting or changing investment funds. This is a good time to include in participant educational material a reminder that their own advisors can be a good source of information, guidance, and reassurance. Remind plan participants of the availability of managed account or managed advice services under the plan, if applicable. This is also a good time to make sure that electronic disclosures comply with Department of Labor regulations and that the plan has good addresses for participants for whom electronic disclosure is not permissible.
- Monitor Plan Investment Alternatives – Review each investment alternative under the plan with the plan’s investment adviser, either at the next quarterly meeting or, even better, at a specially called interim status call. Under ERISA, a fiduciary must act as a prudent expert would in similar circumstances. This includes prudently monitoring existing investment alternatives under the plan. We have learned that a common allegation in a large number of fee and investment fund related breach of fiduciary duty lawsuits over the past decade is that fiduciaries failed to replace underperforming investment funds. Depending on the length and severity of the market downturn, there is every reason to think that these types of lawsuits will continue, with fiduciaries facing allegations that they should have replaced select investment funds with other funds that lost less in the market. Extra due diligence such as interim calls with the plan’s investment advisor, calls with investment managers, deeper market analysis, etc., is part of prudent fiduciary action and could be helpful in the event of future lawsuits. Fiduciaries should carefully document their decision-making.
- Deep Dive on Stable Value Funds – For plans with stable value funds, fiduciaries should perform extra diligence on the financial status of the stable value fund issuer (e.g., an insurance company) and the stability of any wrap insurance protection. The plan’s investment advisor should assist with this review.
Despite that these are difficult and in many respects, unprecedented times, we take some comfort in the old saying, “this too shall pass.” Nevertheless, plan fiduciaries who take prudent action now may help things pass just a bit more easily.
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